Page 16 - February 2021
P. 16
Below is an example of how surprisingly
effective this subtle practice of Seeing
can be in healing a particular form of
judgment that has caused untold suffering
for so many: SELF-JUDGMENT. It is
often stated that self-judgment comes
from early childhood conditioning; that
because we were judged at an early age
we continue doing it to ourselves. This
may be partially true, but why do we
keep doing it even if it is painful. In other
instances of experiencing pain, such as
burning ourselves on a hot stove, we
quickly learn to stop doing it. However, in
the case of self-judgment, we seem to be
hell-bent on persisting. Why is this? There
is a pay-off. Otherwise, we wouldn’t keep
doing it. Here is what we get out of it: In They are not real. They are not you. YOU
the moment of judgment we feel superior are the observing presence that clearly
to the one we are judging. We have split sees both but does not identify with either.
ourselves in two – the judger and the You are the “middle way” of equanimity,
judged. Rather than face the feeling of clarity and truth. Keep seeing this every
inadequacy, we create a superior alter-ego. time there is self-judgment and that old
It may seem inconceivable or even insane tormentor will quickly vanish in the Light
at first but think on this deeply. Seeing this of Awareness which is the Real You.
could be very healing and liberating. We
begin to appreciate how strong the need is 3. It is easy to be lost in the calamities of
to be right and morally superior. We begin life, what are some important things to
to realize how the insecure ego will resort remember or implement?
to anything to feel more powerful even if
it is judging itself. First, realize that worry, fear and
judgment do absolutely no good for you,
Here is the way out of this tangled web. the world and others. In fact, it further
Realize that you are NEITHER the pollutes the collective consciousness and
inferior one being judged nor the superior energy field with more negativity. Even
one doing the judging. They are both the use of words such as “calamities” has
ego-created apparitions. Do not judge the a flavor of negativity and drama. This is
judger; do not feel sorry for the judged. the result of being deeply programmed