Page 13 - July_2020
P. 13
and ultimately heal, systemic injustice at its core. ultimately achieve a new way of thinking and
Every few weeks we are confronted with a new being in the world. I believe that the Jupiter/
crisis, having not yet had time to recover from the Saturn conjunction at zero degrees of Aquarius,
last. Quantum Leap events are always cataclysmic happening in December 2020, marks a critical
in nature, unpredictable, and intensely dramatic. point in this process, and foresee little relief at
The purpose of quantum leap years is to raise the least until after that time.
vibration of not only Humanity, but of the planet.
All life supported by the planet must adapt to this
higher vibration, or choose to go the way of the
dinosaur. The quantum leap process is amoral
in nature, neither good nor bad. It is an energetic
reality to which we must respond. It is The
Goddess of Necessity at work, full throttle.
Over the past several decades, we have been
experiencing a convergence of major energetic
realignments, which are clearly described
by prophecy (i.e. Harmonic Convergence of
1987 and the end of the Mayan Calendar, the
Hopi’s appearance of The Blue Kachina, the
biblical Book of Revelations, just to name a
few), unprecedented cosmic events (i.e. the
gravitational wave from Cignus X1 which swept
over the Earth in 2015, the Galactic Center “Sometimes before we can usher in the new,
alignment of 2012, etc.), and the precession of The old must be put to rest.”
the equinox moving us from one age (Pisces) to (From Game of Thrones, Season 6, Episode 10)
the next (Aquarius), an event that only occurs
every 2000+ years. Energetically speaking, we To add to the challenge of the day, the
are at a point of “critical mass”, past the point of accelerated encroachment of a “new world
resetting bones and bandaging wounds in the perspective” is accompanied by the intense
hope of “fixing” the problems, moving ever closer need to release and let go of the past, in spite of
to the choice to amputate the diseased limbs or not knowing what the future holds in store.
just calling the code on our failing systems. We
cannot possibly stop, or even abate, the wave of As the Capricorn alignments intensify and
an unpredictable cosmic tidal force sweeping gather tightly together in the third decanate of
over us at this time. And, unpopular as it may the sign, we are likely to see even more dramatic
be to say, it is far from over. We still have much and obvious manifestations of the lessons Pluto
to accomplish as a Humanity, and the events has been teaching us since 2008, and Saturn
and experiences of this year will continue to since December of 2017. … [The question is],
drive us toward “the new perspective” required How desperate will things have to get before we
of and defined by the Aquarian Age. As each are willing to sacrifice the comfort of what has
collective shock shakes us a little more free of an been, yet no longer works, and risk the grand
“old age” practice, perspective, or belief, we will experiments needed to provide our saving grace? 13