Page 20 - July_2020
P. 20
are all separate — from each other and the Divine. Divine Discomfort
This is the essential source of all forms of non-Love Allowing the Divine in is very disorienting and
— fear, greed, cruelty, deadness and ignorance. threatening to the ego. Facing our own darkness
can be excruciatingly challenging. However,
We are at a crossroads. Are we going to respond if we can just be with this Divine discomfort,
to this revelation of how horrific life is when it will directly burn away the ego in ourselves.
possessed by an ego by being completely This is the only way real transformation occurs.
committed to being free of it? Are we going to Otherwise it is egos trying to change other
use this entirely appropriate disgust and outrage egos which strengthens the egos on both sides.
as fuel to compel us forward to true Liberation The Divine is trying to usher in a Life outside
rather than settling for superficial solutions? of the box, aligned with an unimaginable
Some of us will need to play out trying every Peace, Love and Aliveness but we need to let it
possible external fix so that there is no doubt in. Evolutionary forces are moving us in that
whatsoever that going that route never truly direction and we can choose to align with it. (See
works. (Again, look at human history — it has the article Ego: The Great Imposter for insights
never worked!) This article is for the mature yet on how we can align with that Higher Love.)
sensitive soul who knows in the heart of hearts
that Liberation, for self and the world, can Mark Okita
ONLY come through one’s own awakening. May Mark Okita does Energy Work surrendered to
this message be a Lifeline buoying up those of us and aligned with the Divine. He guides, heals
whose truest, highest calling is not to escape the and awakens not through words, concepts or
world, but to bring forth into the world the Love practices, but directly through alignment with
that it so desperately needs and truly desires. It that higher Love and Power.
is the evolutionary force flowing through this
planet now and will fully manifest when we
each become open conduits for its Divine Love.