Page 23 - July_2020
P. 23
Egos love to join with other egos to cover up A free human being is . . . well, free. Free
the feeling of being very vulnerable, alone to fully enjoy the gift of life and all of its
and forsaken. A free human being can stand beauty, diversity, generosity, interconnectivity,
naked and alone because he is held in the creativity, playfulness, and most of all, the
tender and invincible arms of Divine Love. He ineffable Joy of Being.
Loves everyone. His “clan” and “special interest
group” is all of humanity . . . and beyond. The ego uses peer pressure to bully or seduce
others to join and conform to its pseudo-
Egos see problems everywhere and loves fixing reality. (ALL ego realities are pseudo-realities
them, as this makes the ego feel superior and because they are all based on the very limited
in control. A free human being sees and has and distorted programming of separation.)
merged with the Perfection of all that is, just as A free human being follows Divine Guidance
it is. She can naturally intuit the Divine Grace which is simply the evolutionary force of the
within even the (seemingly) most horrific and universe, and therefore needs no external
calamitous events, yet has an open heart, full agreement or collusion.
of compassion. It is precisely because she is
not identified with the pain and suffering of Being a Conduit of Love
the world that she is completely open to fully Being free is all about surrendering to the
experiencing it and, with great empathy, can Divine, but it is not as simple and easy
effectively point the way beyond it. as it sounds because the ego is extremely
sophisticated and cunning. It has kept
Egos are like zombies or the walking dead. humanity enslaved for eons. As the great
What seems like liveliness is a actually a imposter, it has used all of that time and
pseudo-life animated by frantic grasping; experience to hone its lies and illusions to
an insatiable desire for more motivated by appear as truth. The Light of Awareness, which
a pervasive and inexplicable sensation of is Love, can dissolve the ego, but only if we
lack and fear. For an ego-zombie there is no are willing to expose it within ourselves. The
real life, only movement generated by that Divine can only enter into the world right here,
obsessive and addictive way of being. A free in each of us. We then become a conduit for
human being IS Life itself. Love entering into the world.
Since egos have no real life essence of their Mark Okita
own, they rely on others for a sense of power Mark Okita does Energy Work surrendered to
and purpose. Like vampires, egos are constantly and aligned with the Divine. He guides, heals
trying to suck the life out of others, in the and awakens not through words, concepts or
form of approval and attention, in order to practices, but directly through alignment with
feel worthy and alive. A free human being has that higher Love and Power.
discovered the real source of Self-worth through
surrendering and aligning with the Divine and
naturally radiates that Love and Life to others. * [The term “free human being” means someone who
is either on the path to transcending the ego or has
An ego values comfort, security, control and completely done so. I have alternated between using
power – over others and the environment. the pronouns she and he.] 23