Page 5 - July_2020
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We are designed to respond to the world could not do. Also, during this sympathetic state,
around us. digestion, immune function, and other resting
state functions diminish or completely stop.
The body is in a constant state of observation
and reaction! The nervous system coordinates Yikes!
all the activities of the body and provides an
ability for us to respond and adapt to changes. Let me emphasize that: When our nervous
system has been triggered and we are
Survival Mode responding in “survival” mode, our immune
The goal of the nervous system’s fight or flight function can be diminished! Consequently, to
response is to help you survive. Inside your boost immune function, we need to support
body, there is a lot of activity. Blood flows the body’s return to homeostasis!
generously to cardiac and skeletal muscles,
pulmonary function improves and oxygen Ways to Calm the Nervous System
uptake in the body increases. Chemical • Essential oils made from the trunk, roots,
reactions include an increase in blood glucose, and stems of trees are very grounding and
cortisol, and adrenaline levels to support the stabilizing! They have a calming effect on our
body’s increased energy consumption. …all nervous system and emotions and help us feel
things that are helpful when you need to run less anxious or tense. Examples of wood oils are
away from the saber-toothed tiger (or deal Cedarwood, Frankincense, Myrrh, Vetiver, Ho
with a worldwide pandemic)! Wood, Spruce, and Siberian Fir.* Simply apply
1-2 drops topically on the back of your neck, the
During this state, we are more alert and have bottom of your feet, or in your diffuser.
greater capacity for physical activity. We all • Keep stress under control! Lavender essential
have heard stories of people who demonstrated oil helps maintain healthy cortisol levels, one
tremendous strength during a crisis which of your body’s stress hormones. Apply a few
allowed them to do something they normally drops to your hands, neck, or pulse points to 5