Page 20 - October 2021
P. 20

What topic/activity would you like                     recognition.” Dig deep, and think

        to know more about?/are currently                      critically. Is the topic truly your personal
        concerned about?                                       normal, or is it adopted from social,

        Do you feel educated about it - could you  societal, or digital pressures (made even
        debate your stance?                                    stronger by the mixed messages and fear
        Do you believe it has a positive or                    surrounding Covid-19)? Did you surprise

        negative impact on your lifestyle?                     yourself with your answers? Were you
        Why do you think this/Why do you do it?  able to gain confidence in your personal

        Where is this belief/activity leading you?  normal? Maybe you’re more motivated
        Are you open to changing your opinions  now to do research and take action?
        if your deeper self feels contrary to your

        conscious self?                                        Regular self-checkins using this method
        Do you feel it is your place, or anyone                is a great way to find clarity and balance

        else’s place to encourage or discourage                within yourself that no outside influence
        other’s personal normal?                               can shake.
        Would encouraging or discouraging

        others to follow/do this impact their                  Organize a support system
        lifestyle freedoms?                                    No one is an island. No one is alone.

        This exercise is not about “self-                      Owning your normal can be a lonely
        improvement”, but about “self-                         process, especially if it’s contrary to most

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