Page 18 - October 2021
P. 18

Is “The New Normal” Your Normal?

                          Evaluate where you stand & take control!

          NORMAL: conforming to a standard;
                 usual, typical, or expected

            (It does NOT mean “best”, “safe”,
         “efficient”, “successful”, “healthy”, etc.)

        Up until late 2019/early 2020, there were
        4 types of “Normal”:

        Personal: The individual norms for you
        in your daily life
        Social: The norms illustrated by people

        within a community
        Societal: The norms dictated by

        Digital: Easily manipulated &
        anonymous social & societal conduct


                                                               vaccination” passports
        Our entire lives, we’ve relied on these                - Social isolation & gathering limitations
        sources to gauge morality & social cues.               - New travel standards
        However, one thing always stood firm                   - Business restrictions & requirements

        and clear: our PERSONAL normal                         - Daily functions shifting to
        should not be held to the standards

        of another person’s normal without                     predominantly online platforms
        educated critical thinking, research, and              Based on government guidelines in light
        honest self-expression.
                                                               of Covid-19, “The New Normal’’ has
                                                               spread across the world like nothing
        Today, there’s a 5th type of normal we

        need to figure out and function around:                in known history! The opinions are
                                                               sporadic, loud, and contradictory among
        “The new normal”.                                      groups. Some feel this is a stripping of
        - The covering of faces                                basic freedoms for false security, while

        - Vaccination mandates & “proof of
                                                               others desire the protection of the

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