Page 13 - October 2021
P. 13

2: Most people are already in a state                  drastically limits all forms of immunity
        of stress from the high toxicity and                   in the body.

        radiation levels of our modern world.
        For a surprising number of us, feeling                 4: Don’t underestimate the full-being

        anxious, scared, endangered, and so on                 effects of fear and stress on your body,
        gives a sense of normalcy - adding to the  mind, and soul. Other than immune
        addictive nature. People stimulate fear                system suppression, fear can lead to

        and stress to feel “normal” - how a heavy  cardiovascular conditions, decreased
        drug user needs a constant stream of                   fertility, delay in brain reactivity and

        their chosen substance to feel “normal”.               emotional regulation, depression, and
        We have daily deadlines to meet at work,  premature death.
        we consume chemicals constantly in

        our food and drink, we have family and                     This season communicate with your
        friend obligations we can’t miss again!                  body & try not to stress! We wish you a

        We have to start prioritizing self-care so               fantastic (not too spooky) Halloween!
        that the body can understand what it’s
        healthy normal truly is.

                                                               By Kalen P C Nielsen
        3: When the body is stressed, it cannot                Vedara Holistic Practitioner

        tell the difference between real life-
        threatening danger, and being late for                 References:
        the bus. To our subconscious minds,          

        all stress and fear are exactly the same.              clinical-pathways-the-variability-isn-t-with-the-
        Even if we’re just stuck in an awkward                 drugs

        elevator conversation, our bodies will       
        think we’re being chased by a tiger. Acute  healing-stress-the-inside-out/202003/your-
        fear responses (like a jump-scare) will                panic-is-increasing-your-risk

        actually upregulate immunity functions       
        for a short time, but will slow down, or               PMC1361287/

        even shut down, certain organ system
        functions. Moderate-length stressors         
        (like scary movies or haunted houses)                  fear-and-anxiety

        will down-regulate cell-mediated             
        immunity; meaning less antigen-                        fondness-fear-why-do-we-be-scared-ncna812661

        response. Long-term fight or flight (like
        an entire season of scary activities)

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