Page 11 - October 2021
P. 11

Overcoming Job Related Stress

             It’s hard to feel like home is a relaxing escape. Home is now work, home is now school,
                                  and so home is  now stress. So, what can you do?

                Try an online home retreat, where everything is organized and provided for you by
              wellness professionals. It is a package with guided meditations, a selection of personal
               growth workshops, quick cooking videos for nutritious meals, and more. Wipe away
                            your stress and recharge. Designed with care to lift your spirit.

                                                 Sample pages are below.

              Never miss an issue!

                My Indigo Sun My Indigo Sun                              My Indigo Sun is your
                                         My Indigo Sun
                     Connect with holistic and metaphysical practioners for a happier and healthier life
                                    April 2021
                                    Issue 25
                                              Connect with holistic and metaphysical practioners for a happier and healthier life
                                                             August 2020  monthly guide to a healthy
                                                             Issue 17
                                                                             and inspired life!
                                        Beyond the Dualistic Veil of
                                        Feminine and Masculine
                                                     Welcome to The New Age Part II:
                                        Humanity and Nature:   The Astrological Ages & Their Avatars
                                        A Love Affair of Awakening
                                        Nature’s Sublime Message and Gift
                                        to Humanity  Our Nature to be Found in Nature
                                                     The Healing Power of Taste
                                                     in Ayurveda
                                       Humanity’s Final Gift to Nature
                                                    3 Therapeutic Teas for Easy Breathing
                                                    Cooking for Healing
                               April Events and
                  Are Covid Vaccines Safe?  Announcements                  Subscribe for $18 a year
                               What is the difference
                  “COVID-19: Restoring Public Trust
                               between Meditation, Creative
                   During A Global Health Crisis”
                   How does Ayurveda Cure   Visualization, and Mindfulness?
                                Predictions for April 2021
                   Allergies?   Cooking for Healing: Recipes for
                   Natural Cleaning Products  Better Skin
                   Are energy Vampires real?
                   Ask a Healer:   1
                   What exactly is evil and where
                   does it come from?
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