Page 7 - October 2021
P. 7
give you. Would you be more joyful? Perhaps it is because sitting still is a
How would this effect the way you react challenge and it seems like we are not
to situations, to people, and the way you doing very much when we practice
see the world? various breathing techniques. When I
used to teach group Yoga classes many
Breath is vital. I am sure you know this. centers did not allow enough time for a
We can live without food for weeks even proper practice and only wanted me to
months. We can live without water for focus on asana—the postures of Yoga.
a few days. But, we can only survive a When I taught in gyms it was even
few minutes without breath. Breathing worse. They did not even want me to
exercises strengthen the muscles needed properly warm up a class and seemed to
to breathe. Most human beings breathe think the striking poses were the most
and only 1/8 of the capacity of their lungs. important part of the practice.
They have no sense of the intercostal How sad. Focusing on breathing is the
and diaphragmatic muscles needed to way to get the most out of any exercise.
perform a single breath. Learning how to develop your ability and
increase your power to breathe is the best
Why then are so many people reluctant way to nourish your body and brain.
to give this a try? Why do we make an
attempt to teach little children about The exercises of pranayama not only
food and water, but we do not give them help strengthen the body and get the
the tools to properly use their voices, to practitioner in touch with the structural
meditate and the easiest way to address aspects of breathing but even more
these: breathing? important is to learn about and gain
control over the cessation of breath. I
Can you imagine what the world know you must think this doesn’t make
would be like if you were taught this in any sense as I just said earlier we can
kindergarten? only survive a few minutes without
breathing. Stay with me for a moment.
Breathing could be the key you are
missing to unlock the door to
The practice of learning to pause the
breath in Yoga is called Kumbhaka. 7