Page 3 - October 2021
P. 3
From the
Dear friends, which make us stronger and life more
meaningful. On the pages of this
October is one of my favorite months edition, we are discussing the history
when Houston’s heat surrenders to a of Halloween and the Day of the Dead.
gentle and loving sunshine, and nature You will learn tips for calming anxiety
bursts with amazingly bright colors. and boosting your immune system.
October is also a month of planning the Get astrological guidance and watch
holiday season, decorating our houses, informative videos about recent events
shopping for gifts, and meeting with and technological breakthroughs that
family and friends. you probably haven’t heard about.
So much has changed in the last 2 years, Wishing all of us a happy month! Keep
and many small pleasures of life which your spirit strong and trust the wisdom
we took for granted have drifted to live of life.
in our memory now. However, I want
to hope that the energy of October In joy,
will remain the same. I want to invite
our readers to keep cherish traditions Katerina and My Indigo team 3