Page 22 - July 2022
P. 22
Is Authoritarianism on its way out?
One of the extraordinary planetary the period of spiritual inspiration
events of 2022 is the transit of the and transformation. This era also
modern planet Neptune from the complements well with the era of Pluto’s
sidereal zodiac sign Aquarius to the next transit in sidereal Capricorn (a sign
zodiac sign Pisces. Although it is going to ruled by spiritual Saturn) that runs in
be in Pisces for only about 5 months in parallel during the same time. The way
2022, Neptune being the spiritual planets we have been used to deal with religions
of our solar system that deal more will no longer be our norms. Our moral
with heart than mind, it will certainly codes will be greatly influenced by our
affect the matters related to Pisces in a collective spiritual experiences. In that
significant way. sense, a subtle but deep transformation
of the world morality is likely to take us
Pisces being a water and mutable sign to a level where the norms solely based
ruled by Jupiter, some words to describe on spiritual experiences will dictate and
its significant characteristics are: divine, guide our lives.
fruitful, fertile, emotional, honest,
outspoken, religious, hermit, spiritual, Pisces, being the sign for poets,
nonviolent, polite, modest, moody, musicians, singers, monks, religious
affectionate, psychic, compassion, leaders, spiritual leaders, nurses, nuns,
love, heart connection, non-verbal social workers, caregivers, saints,
communication and introvert. These psychics, actors, sailors and ship
qualities complement very well with captains, these respective fields will go
qualities of Neptune that include: through significant transformations.
spiritual, intuitive, divine, psychic, These transformations will be reflected
magical, highly emotional, moody, in the new norms of morality and ethics,
clairvoyant, inspiration, imaginative, expansion of our collective psychic
love, compassionate and mystical. abilities, mystical experiences, and our
ability to perceive truth. Creativity in
As a result, a subtle and slow change areas of music will likely complement
in our collective moral and spiritual our spiritual progress.
perceptions is certainly going to
be manifested in the way we never In scientific and technological areas, a
experienced before. This era (next lot of emerging new ideas coupled with
14 years) will be remembered as mystical experiences will find their way
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