Page 20 - July 2022
P. 20
Saturn’s return to sidereal Capricorn
(July 14 – April 15, 2023)
On July 14, Saturn with its retrograde Saturn in their birth chart and have
motion returns to sidereal Capricorn and Pisces, Aries, Leo, or Scorpio as their
it will stay in Capricorn until April 15, natal ninefold (Navamansha) ascendant.
Furthermore, the Saturn’s return to the
Saturn’s energy in Capricorn will be sidereal Capricorn on July 14, joining Pluto
reflected in the volatility of the world will certainly not let up the destructive
financial markets, especially the energy and fearful period, war like atmosphere,
(oil) markets, material expansion/ future uncertainties, senseless killings and
contraction, and economy in general. chaotic situations all around the world, but
especially in the United States.
Entrepreneurs, business leaders,
politicians, philanthropists, philosophers, The political turmoil and social unrest in
scientists, reformers and to some extent the United States, natural and man-made
monks will be shaping the future of calamities around the world including
the world. Those who have Saturn in west coast wildfires, racial violence in
Capricorn (Saturn return) in their natal the United States, senseless killings in
charts will be experiencing Saturn’s Ukraine war etc., are likely to get more
energy as their lives transformed to intensive during this period.
new settings due to a drastic change at
material and psychological levels. In For the USA politics in general, and
my opinion, despite a painful period of democrats and the Democratic Party in
frustration due to unexpected drastic particular, this period may prove to be
changes in life, it’s going to be an exciting extremely challenging. This period may
period for those who have dominant last through the middle of August.