Page 15 - July 2022
P. 15
painted by the hand and imagination of a and who defies every authority that tries
single artist. to control her. It is the hidden power
that every Woman has inside her when
It’ s about everything that has to do with she feels her baby is threatened and that
feminine principle and motherhood. can transform her within seconds into a
It’ s a sensitive and wild moon. It has fearless fighter ready for anything.
exuberance and a fighting spirit as well as
intense introversion. On the other hand, Lilith is the raw
feminine force and, in her attempt
She harbours anger in her Mars square to throw off submission in the name
Pluto, but she also wants to be nurturing. of her liberation, can choose to reject
She involves the clash of the feminine side motherhood and the traditional
full of intuition with the masculine force feminine roles altogether, turning to an
of brute will. It’s dreamy and nightmarish unconventional lifestyle that is unruly.
at the same time. She has love hidden in
the whispers of the night only for those Jupiter square the New Moon exaggerates
few who would keep their ears open. the feminine energies. Everything takes
on a dramatic, hypersensitive character.
The central image is that of a pregnant A woman’s tear joins the cry of a baby,
woman. She’s in her 7 month and she every need is overemphasized.
protectively wraps her arms around
her bulging belly -- every New Moon You crave to feel cared for and safe, as
in Cancer is about motherhood and you feel so unprotected that you could
nurturing. The woman’s need to protect break... On the other hand, you thirst to
the life she carries inside her is so strong, feel the power of your unbridled Lilith,
that she will not hesitate to defend her as you feel her calling...
baby if it is in danger at all costs.
Another symbolic image.
Next to her is an image of a Black Madonna,
and on the other side there is a half-naked A procession.
woman-warrior wearing the skulls of dead
enemies around her waist like a belt. These A priest leads a small group of young
are images of the dark Lilith, which in women. In his hand he holds a banner
conjunction with the New Moon symbolizes with number 7 on it, and he seeks a place
two opposing energies at the same time. worthy and sacred to protect the women.
On one hand she is the emancipated The women are 7, dressed in long
Woman and Mother who does not submit dresses, and in their hands they each
to social norms or to male patronage, hold a small vial of essential oils. They 15