Page 11 - July 2022
P. 11

the one who is strict, an authority figure,  world of darkness. One does not become
        the boss. Unlike Cancers who willingly                 enlightened by imagining figures of

        express their need others, Capricorns                  light, but by making the darkness
        pride themselves on not needing                        conscious. The latter procedure,

        anyone so that they can be in control.                 however, is disagreeable and therefore
        Rigidly serious at times, stoic and rather             not popular.” —  Carl Jung, CW 13:335,
        conservative in their outlook, they are a              Alchemical Studies

        sign that is more prone to withholding
        displays of emotional affection.                        It’s a good idea to remember that

                                                               from an analytical psychology point of
        Capricorns value tradition because it                  view, wholeness is unattainable but it’s
        is a learned response to their fears of                constantly pulling us forward to become

        failure. Their greatest fear is not living             more and more conscious. As we continue
        up to the status quo and often fight                   to reflect on our experiences, we become

        depression as they know what they have                 more integrated and more compassionate
        lived up to, and how far they still have               with our imperfect selves. We all have
        to go. Although appearances in society                 a long way to go. When we do discover

        and financial concerns motivate them                   a shadow quality, we can be more
        to work hard, their strongest need is                  understanding of ourselves and this, in

        for power. They strive to be the one in                turn, will give us the compassion we need
        charge leaving little time for home and                when others mess up. I stated this in one
        family. On their relentless rise to the top,  of my talks once, that the only person who

        achievement comes first, and they often                can forgive is the one who knows he or
        judge people by their prestige or position  she too is in need of forgiveness.

        in society. They have a reputation of
        being emotionally distant and reserved,                To be continued …
        sometimes even demanding, harsh and

        cruel if you are not stepping up to the                Rebeca Eigen
        plate where business or achievement

        is concerned. They expect perfection,
        which doesn’t exist, and can be hard on
        themselves and everyone around them.

        “Filling the conscious mind with

        ideal conceptions is a characteristic
        of Western theosophy, but not the
        confrontation with the Shadow and the

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