Page 9 - July 2022
P. 9
and Religion, East Suffering is the process startled me in this
and West, paragraph through which we carry apparition state, and I
497, Jung said, “A swatted the bed covers
psychoneurosis must be something until we can at him, which dissipated
understood, ultimately, understand it, and that the image. Three nights
as the suffering of a aha moment evokes later, my boyfriend
soul which has not the healing of self- came in wearing the
discovered its meaning.” same shirt my dad was
divisiveness. wearing in my dream!
When I was taking classes at the Jung It told me that they were cut from the
Center, my teacher, Jungian analyst and same cloth!”
Episcopal priest, J. Pittman McGehee,
D.D., gave us the etymology of the word This is another example of synchronicity:
‘suffer.’ It comes from the Latin word how the unconscious knows so much
ferre which means ‘to carry’ and suf more than we are conscious of and will
means the same as sub which means help us if we pay attention to our dreams.
‘from below.’ To suffer means to carry The man she was dating was bringing up
something from below. In a quick for her unfinished issues with her dad.
amplification, we can see it means to
stand under which is the beginning of Paying attention to our dreams, writing
the root of the word understanding. them down, and making an effort to
Suffering is the process through which remember them is the best way to start
we carry something until we can a relationship with our unconscious.
understand it, and that aha moment Go inside yourself and start by asking
evokes the healing of self-divisiveness. questions like, “Why am I so upset about
this?” “What inside of me is like this
Another dream that also activated a person I cannot stand?” My favorite
parental complex was one told to me question to ask is, “What do you want
by a good friend of mine. She said, from me? I want to know.”
“In my dream, my dad came to visit
me. It was after his death, and I was “Projections can be withdrawn only when
awakened by his kiss on my cheek. As they come within the possible scope of
I came to consciousness, I saw him consciousness. Outside that, nothing can
standing there beside my bed wearing be corrected.”
a houndstooth, small-plaid shirt. He — Carl Jung, Mysterium Conuinctionis,
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