Page 16 - July 2022
P. 16

draw the eyes of men as they walk, and  this New Moon... They are numerous,

         they exchange brief words with them, a  they are wild, they are untamed. Indulge
              little on the sly, a bit flippantly.             in them without worrying that the
                                                               boogeyman will come out of the closet.

          Their inner conflict is whether to stay in           Follow the path of memory back... and
         their emotional shell, traditionally seeking  rediscover your past. Discover how critical

          security in a future family, versus daring  and important your innermost feelings are,
          to leave the procession and enjoy the fun  and why they shape your future.
        and flirtation that the outside world offers.

                                                               Make sure you control your emotions
        You have 7 wishes, 7 desires, 7 realizations.  under this Moon. Discover your

        This New Moon takes you to the past...                 feminine power and choose tenderness
                                                               instead of wasting your energy on
        It flows from the river of                             something not worthwhile.

        unconsciousness and waters the fertile
        grass of what you dream of becoming.                   Take care of yourself and your sensitivity

        Memories, nostalgia, the smell of the                  first. You are the feminine, complex,
        wood floor and the light coming through  multi-faceted... no one can describe you.
        the window of your childhood become                    Only you!

        one with the dreams you have today.

                                                               Andrew Ifandis Astrologer
        You have 7 different feminine aspects and    
        the dreams you see will be significant with  

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