Page 23 - October 2022
P. 23

Retrograde Mercury (Sept 10 - Oct 2)

        On September 10, the planet Mercury

        turned retrograde in sidereal Virgo. It                In addition, if you have dominating
        will stay retrograde in Virgo all the time             Mercury in your birth chart and if

        until it becomes direct on October 2.                  Mercury is currently your active
        Typically, retrograde Mercury means                    planet, then you are more likely to
        communication breakdowns, unexpected  experience pronounced effects of

        delays, frustrations, missing deadlines,               retrograde Mercury with respect to
        unforeseen obstacles. Retrograde                       matters signified by the house it’s

        Mercury in Virgo means more                            transiting through in your Gochar
        frustrating periods for small businesses,              (transit) chart.  However, for those
        working-class blue-collar people,                      who have Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius,

        money managers, farmers, builders,                     Aquarius, Aries, or Gemini as their
        and students. This is not a good time to               ninefold ascendant are least likely to be

        start a new project or venture, but rather  affected during this period.
        reflect on what’s been done so far.

                           Saturn’s return to sidereal Capricorn

                                           (July 14 – April 15, 2023)

        On July 14, Saturn with its retrograde                 new setting due to a drastic change mostly
        motion returned to sidereal Capricorn                  at material and psychological levels. In
        and it will stay in Capricorn until April              my opinion, despite a painful period of

        15, 2023.                                              frustration due to unexpected drastic
                                                               changes in life, it’s going to be an exciting

        Capricorn being the earth and cardinal                 period for those who have dominant
        sign, Saturn’s energy has strongly been                Saturn in their birth chart and have
        reflected in the volatility of the world               Pisces, Aries, Leo, and Scorpio as their

        financial markets, especially the energy               natal ninefold (Navamansha) ascendant.
        (oil) markets, economy, and material

        expansion/contraction. Entrepreneurs,                  Furthermore, the Saturn’s return to
        business leaders, politicians,                         the sidereal Capricorn on July 14,
        philanthropists, philosophers, scientists,             joining Pluto will certainly not let up

        reformers, and to some extent monks                    the destructive and fearful period, war
        will shape the future of the world. Those              like atmosphere, future uncertainties,

        who have Saturn in Capricorn in their                  senseless killings, and chaotic situations
        natal charts will be experiencing Saturn’s             all around the world, especially in the
        energy as their lives get transformed to a             United States.

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