Page 26 - October 2022
P. 26

Global Insights

        The important challenging possibilities                 institutions will likely face challenges. A

        for October include:                                    unique and significant change in the field
        Sept 15 - Oct 23:  Social or political                  of religion is likely occur as Pluto with

        turmoil in USA, Russia and/or China.                    its tremendous energy has a power to
        More importantly friction between                       oppose and eventually transform religion
        Russia and the United States is likely                  and academics and bring them to a new

        to spike over Ukraine war during this                   level with a new set of norms.
        period.  Also, the friction between China

        and USA will remain unabated.                           The important auspicious possibilities
        Oct 9-15, Oct 23-Nov 5:  Greater                        for October include:
        possibility of both natural and man-                    Oct 12-20 and Oct 28 – Nov 9:  World

        made calamities around the world. An                    religions are likely to be engaged in to
        outbreak of an undesirable event is likely  helping us expand morally, socially as

        during this period.                                     well as materially.  As a result, religious,
        Oct 26 - Nov 13:  Likelihood of                         academic, and social fields are very likely
        outbreaks of violence and terrorist                     to enjoy the new and positive changes

        activities in Russia, Ukraine and in                    occurring in their respective fields.
        the Middle East is high, especially in
        Israel and Palestine region. Some of the  The countries that are more likely to be

        eastern-European countries and China                    affected during this month are:  Russia,
        may experience political as well as                     Ukraine, China, United States, and the

        social turmoil.                                         Middle Eastern countries, especially
        Oct 30 - Nov 6:   Religious and academic  Israel and Palestine region.

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