Page 18 - October 2024
P. 18
reality dictates, blaming others or life equality, like the equal number of men
circumstances for systems failure, rather and women competing in the Olympic
than taking personal responsibility games and holding high positions of
for one’s part in one’s own drama, and political power, or the first woman
adopting an “austerity consciousness” President of the United States, will
that focuses on what is lacking rather continue to break from the tradition
than gratitude for what is. of patriarchal dominance, moving us
ever closer to a true balance of power
The current Jupiter/Saturn cycle began regarding gender. We can expect the
in Aquarius, which rules technology dramatic technological advances in
and the global network experience, all fields to continue, from medicine
individuality, freedom, equality, to spyware, as well as greater concern
egalitarianism, and humanitarianism. about the negative consequences of our
Emphasis is on group collaboration growing dependence on technology
and the power of the group, rather and what it’s doing to our brains and
than individual accomplishment. the brains of our children? With our
No where was the social shift of this growing dependence on technology,
current cycle more evident than in the any number of events, natural and/
diversity demonstrated and the four or engineered by human beings, could
major themes of the recent Democratic occur to cripple our nation and/or the
National Convention: For The People, world on a global scale. Technological
A Bold Vision for America’s Future, A interference with malicious intent from
Fight For Freedom, and For Our Future. foreign entities has been exposed as a
For Aquarius, information is power very real threat, as has the devastating
and “thinking outside the box” is the potential of cybercrime and cyber
norm. Letting your “freak flag fly” is terrorism, both globally and personally.
commendable. Aquarius teaches us that Our increasing dependence on
we can’t solve problems in traditional technology to function in our daily lives
ways, but must approach them in continues to grow as a serious concern.
completely new and original ways. The We can only hope that the systems and
creative inventors who are capable of structures required to protect us from
this way of thinking are becoming our the nefarious misuse of technology can
new “heroes”. One need not look far keep up with its unprecedented growth
to see the challenges, opportunities and development. Our ability to trust
and dramatic redefinition required information gleaned from traditional
confronting us in these areas. As we sources is all but lost, as unchecked
progress deeper into this current Jupiter/ misinformation fills the airwaves and
Saturn cycle, demonstrations of gender the AI ability to create deep fakes and