Page 21 - October 2024
P. 21
On October 20, Mars enters sidereal and positive spiritual energy that can
Cancer, a water sign where Mars is promote harmony and a deeper sense of
debilitated. As a result, the normally interconnectedness, even in the midst of
powerful and assertive energy of Mars material and personal challenges.
may become improperly channeled,
potentially leading to volatility and This energy is likely to encourage
chaos, particularly in the context of collective compassion, fostering an
U.S. presidential election politics. environment where people come
This period might include episodes of together to support one another.
violence and unrest. On an individual Furthermore, with all three planets
level, those with Cancer, Aries, positioned in sidereal feminine signs,
Aquarius, Sagittarius, and Leo as their female energy and leadership will
natal ninefold (Navamsha) ascendants become increasingly prominent across
may face unwanted challenges and various sectors in the coming months
disruptions during this time.” and potentially for years ahead.
One of the most significant and Read the whole article here.
auspicious planetary configurations
for this month and the coming months
is the mutual aspect among Uranus,
Neptune, and Pluto. Taurus Uranus Jagdish Maheshri
and Capricorn Pluto are forming Professional Vedic Astrologer
an auspicious sextile (within three Read Google reviews by google
degrees) with Pisces Neptune, and searching, “Astro Insight”
Uranus is also creating a spiritual trine For more information about
(within three degrees) with Pluto. services and classes please visit
These configurations generate powerful
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