Page 13 - Retreat for Partnership
P. 13

Ideas for Dinner

        Beef and Vegetables Stew (cook in advance, 2-4 servings)
        Total time: 1-hour 15 minutes  Active time: 30 minutes
        Ingredients:               2 cloves of garlic    Directions:
        1lb of beef cut in cubes   chopped               Oil the frying pan and cook beef for 10 minutes, regularly
        ½ red pepper               1 teaspoon of dried   stirring. Add chopped onion and cook for the next 10 minutes
        1 carrot chopped           basil                 until onion gets light brown and tender– stir as needed. Add
        ½ of onion chopped         3 tablespoons of      enough water to cover the meat and onion mix, cover with a lid
        ½ egg plant                chopped parsley       and turn the heat to low medium. Sauté for 40 minutes. Af er
                                   Vegetable oil         that, add all vegetables and spices and sauté for 15 more minutes
                                                         with the lid covered. Garnish with chopped parsley.

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