Page 9 - Retreat for Partnership
P. 9

Breakfast Ideas

        Oats overnight
        Time: 5 minutes (but must sit overnight)

        Ingredients:                                          Directions:
        4 tablespoons of oats     1 teaspoon vanilla          In an airtight container, mix oats, milk, honey
        (gluten free or regular)  extract or a pinch of       and vanilla. Seal the container and place in the
        ½ cup milk of your        cinnamon                    fridge overnight. In the morning, stir the oats
        choice                    Add nuts, berries or        and top with nuts, sliced fruit, or berries. Enjoy!
        ½ tablespoon of honey     fruit of your choice
        or maple syrup

                                                                               Yogurt with Berries
                                                                               Time: 2 minutes

                                                                               Mix plain yogurt with your
                                                                              favorite berries. Add honey or
                                                                                     syrup if desired.

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