Page 5 - Retreat for Partnership
P. 5
When and How?
We all need a break. Wanting to have some during the day. At the very least, try to
time alone doesn’t mean something is get everyone to agree to respect what
wrong – it often means you simply need to you are doing. This includes not speaking
rest and re-charge. So, allocate at least 3-4 to you too much if you want a quiet day
hours of uninterrupted alone time. during your retreat.
4. We encourage you to use a laptop, TV
1. Choose a time for your retreat, allowing screen or projector (rather than your
for a couple of days to prepare and put it mobile device, if possible) for the retreat.
on your calendar. Not only will the bigger screen create a
2. Let your friends, colleagues, and better experience, but getting away from
family members know that you will be your phone/tablet will help you unplug.
unavailable for the time of the planned 5. For the entire duration of the retreat
retreat. you need to be unplugged! No cell
3. If you live with others, and especially phone messaging, emails, social media,
if you have children, going on a retreat TV news, or other similar disruptions. It
at home can be a challenge. Try to plan is REALLY important to disconnect from
the retreat for a time when your family the world, otherwise your retreat will
or housemates will be away, particularly not be as enjoyable.