Page 6 - Retreat for Partnership
P. 6
Where should I retreat?
Let’s be honest, hopping on a plane to the space that you use daily.
fly to a remote destination for a little If you want to be alone all the
self-care every time we need it (which time during your retreat, make
is basically every weekend) is not necessary arrangements to allow
exactly feasible. this to happen.
With this retreat, here is what you can do: Beginning your retreat in a neat
-If your living space has a room you rarely and clean home will help set a
spend time in, consider that room to positive tone. Plan to spend a few
be your reserved retreat space. Make hours getting rid of clutter and
necessary preparations in it, and “check cleaning up before you begin your
in” on the day of the retreat. retreat. Put away anything that
-If you don’t have an extra room, you reminds you of work or things you
can still have a relaxing time using may be stressing about.