Page 20 - November 2024
P. 20
to lead Humanity in that direction, and quarreled among themselves to include
suffering/enduring the outrage of a dying ideas and principles that best served their
age, requires the diverse perspective constituents. Years in the making, the US
and different value systems of multiple Constitution was not ratified until 1787.
generations. Collaboration, learning to The Bill of Rights was not adopted by
work together in order to benefit from Congress until 1791.
the creative contribution of each member
of the group, is an important Aquarian Today, as Pluto once again begins its
principle, where “The needs of the many journey through Aquarius, we stand
outweigh the needs of the few…or the one.” at the threshold of a major upgrade of
the guiding principles that define this
We are revisiting the last Pluto in nation. Pluto’s war cry, “Transform
Aquarius transit, which occurred from or die”, can certainly be applied to the
January 1778 - July 1797. Throughout current state of affairs confronting this
that period, the newly liberated American country, and many others around the
colonies were engaged in the challenging globe. We have evolved far beyond the
process of defining the “American Ideal”, reality of the founding fathers, who only
creating the laws and documents that had to deal with 13 colonies, and did not
would ultimately give form to this great have the media (social or otherwise),
experiment of democratic governance, the internet, the global intimacy with
The United States of America. To the extremely diverse religious and world
best of their ability, and in keeping views, weapons of mass destruction, etc.
with the consciousness of the time, the with which to contend. In spite of their
“founding fathers” strove to include different ideologies, they shared common
Aquarian ideals like freedom, liberty, ground in that they were all men, all
equality, just and fair representation, and white, all rich, and all recently victorious
respect for the individual rights of every over a seemingly insurmountable foe,
citizen. Our constitution begins with, which probably made them all a bit
“We, the People … “, thus securing the prideful, if not cocky. Such is not the
promise of inclusion and consideration case today. We have front row seats,
of all who would be so governed. Flawed and are witness to one of the messiest
humans that we were (and are), we are collective upgrades in human history.
still working on achieving this ideal. It is We are about to experience another
important to remember that this was not revolution, at least in perspective, as
an easy process. There was much political we learn to address the leader of the
infighting, due to the vast differences free world as “Madame President” and
among the 13 colonies in terms of needs create a definition for her partner in life,
and values. Representatives fought and “The First Gentleman”. Transformation