Page 21 - November 2024
P. 21

is rarely a gentle graceful process, and               obtain, process, and evaluate information
        the magnitude and scale of the current                 are subject to dramatic change.  For

        transformative cycle is sure to be even                Aquarius, knowledge is power, and in
        more disruptive and chaotic than usual.   response to the need to become more

        As we watch the drama unfold this year,                educated and informed, many  will seek
        it is important to remember that we have  higher education or unusual courses of
        been here before and survived.  This                   study, which will become more prevalent

        time, we might even thrive!                            and readily available.   In many ways and
                                                               forms, we will all be writing our own lyrics

        On a more personal level, the                          to the same old song:  “I Gotta Be Me, and
        transformative process of Pluto will shift             I Gotta Be Free!”
        to a more abstract conceptual level, as

        our psychic inclinations and focus turn to             Finally, as if in support of Pluto’s
        issues of individuation, development of a              permanent ingress into Aquarius, 2025

        more authentic version of Self, freedom of             is likely to be a year of massive shifts and
        creative self-expression, and detachment               change in collective consciousness on
        from that which limits or impedes personal  several levels as the outer planets, Uranus

        evolution.  As Pluto travelled through                 and Neptune, and Saturn complete
        Capricorn, the structures and systems we               their long journeys through Pisces and

        previously created to support our reality              Taurus and begin their transits into the
        have crumbled and disintegrated, and                   next signs, Aries and Gemini.   This is a
        now the work of rebuilding begins.  New                powerful indicator of new beginnings if

        life structures must be created to support             ever there was one.  In July 2026, there
        a new level awareness regarding who I                  is an alignment of Pluto at 4 Aquarius,

        really am, what I really need and want for             Neptune at 4 Aries, and Uranus at 4
        my life, and what I must do to support my              Gemini, activated by Full Moon at 5 Leo-
        life purpose.  Humanistic ideals are likely            Aquarius, with Sun conjunct Jupiter in Leo,

        to come to the forefront as we build our               and the Nodes of the Moon entering the
        new reality structures, and many will be               Aquarius-Leo axis.  In the never ending

        urged to participate in the larger whole,              debate over when the Aquarian Age
        be it through political involvement or                 actually begins, I’m marking my calendar
        service to society in some way.  We will be            for  July 29, 2026.  I know it’s a long way

        motivated to create vehicles through which  off, and I will certainly be deeply exploring
        we can share our unique creative energy                the possibilities between now and then.

        and gifts in a more public way.  Aquarius,             Perhaps you might want to do the same.
        always the contrarian, places great value
        on independent thinking, so the ways we                By Kimberly McSherry

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