Page 15 - How to Teach Reading with Heart
P. 15
reader. Remember, you are trying to build to say it. Once again, your response is,
connectors, a bridge, between two parts of “Sound out the letters.” It may take four
the brain. The more senses involved, the or five times before they realize daddy is
stronger the bridge. not going to say it for me. A few important
building blocks are happening here. First,
Activities: you are forcing your reader to break a very
Create an atmosphere. This is not bedtime. bad habit. Second, you are learning letter
This is serious reading time and you want sounds and blends they do not understand
to make it enjoyable and successful for and the two of you can work on. Lastly,
all involved. Start with the sense of smell believe it or not, you are building their
again. Bake something that fills the room confidence, increasing their self-esteem.
with a relaxing aroma. (I’m learning to
make vegan/plant-based brownies.) Have If you are the parent of a struggling
the aroma become the signal that we are reader, I cannot stress the importance of
preparing to read. Select a book to be read. self-esteem in the area of reading as they
Let the student read the book in a quiet transition into third grade. A lack of self-
place on the first day. The next day, prepare esteem in third grade can be devastating
the reading atmosphere with aroma. Sit to a student. I will discuss the older
next to your reader and listen attentively. student in Part II.
When they come to a word they do not Do you understand what you have created
know they will put their finger on the in this reading atmosphere? (I can’t help
word and look at you waiting for you to but say it, think of Pavlov’s dogs.)
respond. It is what they expect and what
they have learned in the classroom. There is so much more I would like to
share with you. There are so many ways
Either a friend or the teacher will say the to touch your child’s mind, to teach them
word for them. Your best response is to about the world around them. Teach them
say, “Sound out the letters.” They will not to become good stewards of the earth. It
like your response and grudgingly will was my phrase in the classroom: “I know
sound it out. Listen closely for any letters Ms. Swaney, you want me to become a
or blends causing them to struggle. If they good steward of the earth, you already
still cannot read the word then sound told me that. What is a steward?”
out together. The second time the same
word appears your student will repeat the You will never have this time again with your
process, point to the word expecting you child. Embrace this time. Embrace change. 15