Page 23 - November 2023
P. 23

Numerology, as both an outer and
                                                               inner journey, offers insights into how

                                                               we interact with the world around us
                                                               and the world within. November, the
                                                               Master Number 11, serves as a reminder

                                                               to consciously align the physical and
                                                               spiritual aspects of our being. All these

                                                               1’s will lead us to January, yet again a
                                                               number 1, signifying a new beginning.

                                                               Darlene E Chadbourne
                                                               Full Potential Consultant

                                                               Master Numerologist
                                                               Lighting the way to your soul’s potential

                                                               Passion, Purpose and Potential through
                                                               Numerology & Sacred Geometry


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