Page 24 - November 2023
P. 24

Reading the Labels

                               The Skin You’re In:

               Choosing Safer Skincare for

                  Your Body’s Largest Organ

              Peek behind the label to discover what lurks in your skincare.

        The skin, often underestimated in                      act as surface lubricants in skincare but

        its significance, is indeed the largest                offer no nutritional benefits and often
        organ in the human body. The three                     pose health risks.

        layers include epidermis, dermis, and
        hypodermis. Each of these layers also                  What’s the Harm?
        have sub-layers or other essential cell                Petroleum-based ingredients create

        components. What we apply to our skin                  a barrier on your skin, hindering the
        can directly impact our internal well-                 absorption of essential nutrients from

        being. The ingredients within products                 other skincare products. They can also
        we use penetrate the skin’s layers,                    clog pores, impede natural detoxification,
        eventually entering our bloodstream and                and can lead to skin irritation, acne,

        lymphatic system.                                      and hormone disruption. Common

                                                               petroleum-based ingredients include
        Many mainstream skin care products                     paraffin wax, petrolatum, and petroleum
        contain a disturbing concoction of                     jelly, along with Toluene, Benzene, PEGs,
        carcinogenic chemicals, allergens, and                 DEAs, and ingredients ending in ETH,

        irritants. Therefore, it becomes crucial               anything with PROPYL, METHYL,
        to pay close attention to the ingredients              BUTYL and ETHYL. These elements

        we allow on our skin. Reading product                  are prevalent in hair care, moisturizers,
        labels and educating ourselves on what                 lipsticks, perfumes, baby products, and
        ingredients to avoid becomes a pivotal                 makeup. To safeguard your skin’s health,

        step in safeguarding our body’s health.                opt for skincare products with natural,

                                                               nutrient-rich ingredients. Your choice
        Many personal care and beauty products                 of skincare products can significantly
        contain petroleum-based elements,                      impact your long-term health and
        derived from crude oil. These ingredients              beauty.

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