Page 5 - November 2023
P. 5

(1596–1650), a great philosopher                       “spiritual antenna.” It is not a coincidence

        renowned for pronouncing the pineal                    that in many (if not all) ancient spiritual
        “the principal seat of the soul”.                      traditions, it is regarded as the physical
                                                               manifestation of a metaphysical gateway.

        Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, a                           This tiny gland is viewed as the key to
        prominent occultist and co-founder                     unlocking intuition, spiritual insight,

        of the Theosophical Society in the late                and a sense of connectedness with
        19th century, believed that ancient                    the universe. When activated, this
        civilizations possessed profound spiritual  spiritual antenna is capable of evoking

        and esoteric knowledge that modern                     experiences of profound inner vision,
        humanity had largely lost. According                   prophetic dreams, and astral projection.

        to her, ancient peoples had a deeper
        understanding of the pineal gland’s                    At the heart of the pineal gland’s role
        significance and knew methods to                       is its ability to tune into different

        activate it. She stated that remnants of               frequencies of the universe, much
        this knowledge were preserved in various  like a radio dial tuning into various

        mystical and esoteric traditions, which                stations. Meditation, chanting,
        could be accessed and revived.                         breathing techniques, mindfulness, and
                                                               visualization help to “tune” the pineal

        Spiritual Antenna                                      gland to perceive higher frequencies
        Modern science describes the pineal                    of consciousness. We describe these

        gland as a tiny endocrine gland                        moments as touching the divine,
        located in the center of the brain. It is              experiencing the oneness of all things, or

        responsible for regulating the body’s                  receiving profound spiritual insights.
        circadian rhythm by secreting a hormone
        known as melatonin. This gland receives                There’s a fascinating concept that links

        information about the daily light-dark                 the pineal gland with biophotons, the
        cycle from the retinas in our eyes and                 light particles believed to be emitted by

        then produces and releases melatonin                   living organisms. Some suggest that the
        accordingly, with higher levels of                     pineal gland can both emit and perceive
        melatonin at night and lower levels                    these biophotons, facilitating a form of

        during the day.                                        biological light-based communication.

        For readers of My Indigo Sun, another                  There are several practices that utilize
        aspect of the pineal gland is fascinating,             this connection between the pineal
        particularly the ancient concept of                    gland and biophotons. Energy healing,

        the pineal gland’s ability to serve as a               light therapy, sound and color therapy

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