Page 8 - November 2023
P. 8

How to Use Castor Oil

                                      per Ayurveda

        Background on the Castor Plant                         taken orally per day. My 87-year-old

                                                               father told me his mother would make a
        Castor oil is made from the Ricinus                    lehyam, or medicinal ball for licking and

        communis shrub native to tropical and                  eating, made of freshly ground castor
        subtropical climates. The plant has large,             leaves and various other herbs. Once
        star-shaped leaves and red, pink, or green  a month, this lehyam was given to all

        spiny seed pods that split open and turn               the children to eat. After eating it, they
        brown when ripe, releasing a beautiful,                were instructed to jump to help move

        mottled seed. The seeds contain ricin,                 the lehyam downwards and wait for the
        which is one of the deadliest natural                  purgative effect to take action. My father
        poisons. It is estimated to be 12,000 times  credits his mother for keeping their

        more poisonous than rattlesnake venom                  digestive tracts free of worms, parasites,
        and 6,000 times more toxic than cyanide!  and sickness by doing this. Indeed, castor
        Inside the castor seed, sometimes referred  oil is the best purgative used for cleansing

        to as a ‘bean’, is a thick, pale, yellow-              purposes, or virechana panchakarma in
        colored oil. Because ricin is water soluble,  Ayurveda. The cathartic action of castor
        it is not released during the production of  oil not only acts on the colon but can

        castor oil and remains in the ‘seed cake’              also cause induction of labor. Therefore,
        as a residue. The leaves, flowers, and roots  it is not advised to be given to pregnant

        of this marvelous plant are all beneficial             women. Like all laxatives, chronic use is
        according to Ayurveda.                                 not recommended.

        Castor oil as a purgative                              Multifaceted use of castor oil per

        Castor oil has been used since ancient
        times in various applications, including               Castor oil has the properties of being

        as fuel for lamps, in paints, varnishes,               heavy to digest, smooth, hot in nature,
        and for medicinal purposes. It is widely               and piercing, making it capable of

        known as a purgative and is FDA-                       entering the minutest channels in the
        approved as a stimulant laxative, with                 body and taking out toxins. It is bitter,
        a recommended dosage of 15 to 60 mL                    sweet, and slightly astringent in taste.

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