Page 12 - April 2023
P. 12

and what makes you feel victimized?                    As we become aware of these old
        Where are the areas of life in which you               contracts, we begin to see the formative

        find yourself sabotaging, and what are the  forces that developed as a child.  These
        reasons that your saboteur uses to justify             archetypes represent our inner child’s

        these choices? Where do we compromise                  survival team.  The child within us once
        ourselves, and where do we allow the fear  felt helpless and powerless.  We were
        of physical survival to compromise our                 dependent on others for our own survival.

        highest truth, intuition, or integrity? This
        is where the contract of our prostitute lies. We had to maintain a connection to these

                                                               individuals for us to feel safe and taken care
        Questions to ask yourself:                             of.  This often meant sabotaging ourselves,

        Child Archetype:                                       prostituting ourselves, or playing the victim.
        What was the old contract of your inner                We often used these archetypes to get our

        child?  What was your inner child’s                    emotional needs met.  We may have played
        survival strategy?  Who did you have to                the victim to receive more empathy and
        be to feel safe and connected?  How is this            compassion.  We may have prostituted

        informing your current relationships?                  ourselves to please others.  We may have
                                                               sabotaged ourselves to maintain connection.
        Victim Archetype:

        What are the things in life that have                  As the healing journey unfolds with the
        power over you?  What makes you feel                   exploration of these contracts, we begin

        victimized?  What is your inner victim’s               to realize that what once brought us
        strategy in stressful situations?  Where               safety and security eventually holds us

        do you perceive life happening to you?                 back from freedom and empowerment.

        Saboteur Archetype:                                    The old contracts that once served us

        Where are the areas of life in which you               brought us security.  They worked for a
        find yourself sabotaging?  What are the                period of time.  Much of the pain in our

        reasons that your saboteur uses to justify             lives begins when these old contracts
        these choices?  What are you afraid                    begin to expire.  The longer we hold onto
        would happen if you didn’t sabotage?                   them without releasing them, the more
                                                               pain we generate.

        Prostitute Archetype:

        Where are you compromising                             The pain is simply a messenger offering
        yourselves?  Where do you allow the fear               us feedback as to the ways in which we
        of physical survival to compromise your                are living out of alignment with our

        highest truth, intuition, or integrity?                potential.  As we begin to listen to the
                                                               pain and understand the message that it
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