Page 19 - April 2023
P. 19
in power, military personnel, soldiers, Mercury is currently your active planet,
money managers, reformers, and leaders. then you are more likely to experience
This is not a good time to start a new pronounced effects of retrograde
project or venture, but rather reflect on Mercury during this period with respect
what’s been done so far. This is the best to matters signified by the house it’s
time to cleanup that closet and do other currently transiting through in your
chores that you have been postponing Gochar (transit) chart. However, for
due to lack of time. those who have Pisces, Capricorn,
Scorpio, Virgo, Cancer or Gemini as
In addition, if you have dominating their ninefold ascendant are least likely
Mercury in your birth chart and if to be affected during this period.
Justice and Morality --- Jupiter’s transit in
the sidereal zodiac sign Aries (April 21)
On April 21, Jupiter leaves sidereal Pisces in their birth charts while others likely
and enters the next zodiac sign, Aries. to experience their power diminish.
Jupiter’s transit from one zodiac sign to In general, transit of Jupiter in Aries
the next occurs, on average, once a year. is positive. Some factions around the
Aries being a fire and cardinal sign ruled world as well as individuals are likely
by friendly Mars, Jupiter’s energy will be to gain more power and authority in
responsible in playing the role of an advisor their respective fields. (It must be noted
to the leaders of the worlds in almost every that despite Jupiter’s positive influence
area of life. Therefore, for the entire world, on power and authority, influence of
in general, it’s going to be an exciting time other planets should be taken into
filled with justice and morality as Jupiter’s consideration to assess the net effect).
energy makes difference. Aries Jupiter deals In addition, philosophers and social
with world politics, world leaderships, reformers will be shaping the future
material expansion, creating new norms in direction of human evolution.
philosophy, judiciary system, social justice,
morality, and religion. Since Jupiter will be in conjunction
within three degrees with the north lunar
Jupiter stays in Aries until May 1, 2024. node Rahu during May 17 – June 9, 2023
While in Aries, being a cardinal and in Aries, the possibilities of a severe
fire sign ruled by Mars, Jupiter in Aries religious or morality crisis as well as
has a tendency to enhance power and shift in world power are very likely. The
leadership of those who have well placed world is entering a new era of human
and well -connected Mars and Jupiter evolution, which will challenge the
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