Page 17 - February 2021
P. 17

existence. It now has our complete
                                                               attention and allegiance. When it comes

                                                               to Liberation and Love, it is not so
                                                               much our conviction and commitment

                                                               to beliefs that is so important as it is
                                                               to have the willingness, courage and
                                                               perseverance to stop believing in, and

                                                               bowing to, those voices in the head
                                                               that promise happiness it has NEVER

                                                               delivered. The doom that it perpetually
                                                               threatens never manifests except as the
                                                               suffering created by those voices.

                                                               Realize that much suffering is caused by

                                                               wanting to know things that we simply
                                                               do not or cannot know for sure. For
                                                               example, being absolutely sure that a

        to judge things as good and bad, as                    person, health condition, world event,
        discussed above. Outer events will                     etc., is “bad.” Be okay with not knowing

        always happen as they do. Adding the                   the outcome. Experience the lightness of
        “poisonous special sauce” of judgment                  not being sure of anything. At the very
        guarantees that the life events we have                least, begin to be aware of how affirming

        already been served become distasteful                 something as bad, in the interest of
        or even toxic and harmful. Although                    having it all figured out, creates far more

        we may not have a choice in many life                  suffering than the actual event.
        events, we do have a choice in how
        we respond. The most important and                     4. That all sounds good, but what about

        essential choice is not taking the fear-               when I have already fallen into a very
        based stories in our head to be real.                  negative emotional state and I can’t

                                                               seem to find a way out?
        Next, be willing to look outside of our
        familiar way of viewing things. We                     First, relax and breathe! Fear, anxiety,

        often underestimate the the cunning                    anger, shame, craving, etc., cannot exist
        and sophistication of our ego. The ego                 in total relaxation. Simply remembering

        speaks to us as the voice in our head. It              to relax the body will allow troubling
        has whispered its lies and threatened us               emotions to naturally fall away. Breathing
        with dire consequences for hundreds                    not only discharges stale air, but it

        of thousands of years of our human                     also discharges harmful energies and
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