Page 18 - February 2021
P. 18

emotions. Holding our breath, holding                  Instead, be wide open. Be as accepting as

        on to tension and holding on to negative               possible of whatever we are feeling.
        emotions and energies are all interrelated.

        The next time we feel troubled, rather                 Cultivate an ability to place attention on
        than going to the mind to figure it all out,  something other than thinking, especially
        which creates even more suffering, simply  over-thinking. I shared three types of

        breathe, relax and release.                            meditation in the December edition of
                                                               My Indigo Sun: 1) Breathing Meditation

        Next, stop judging the emotion as bad and  – being aware of the physical sensations
        stop trying to change or run away from                 of breathing; 2) Body Scan – being aware
        it. Demonizing any emotion is a trick of               of the sensations of the entire body, both

        the ego (because it is more judgment) that  inner and outer; 3) Aliveness Meditation
        creates even more tension and suffering.               – being aware of energy or aliveness.

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