Page 36 - February 2021
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individual, the more we each experience There are many like me, and like this
collectively. Each one of us feeds the pot. author, who find meaning in life by their
own design. There is this born within
“If a man does not keep pace with his each of us, this ability to construct and
companions, perhaps it is because he hears design our own lives. This is what lies at
a different drummer. Let him step to the the core of true spiritual experience and
music which he hears, however measured expression, when we recognize ourselves as
or far away.” - Henry David Thoreau, part of this greater whole and we learn to
Walden (1854) view ourselves in co-sponsorship with it.
PERSONAL FREEDOM “As long as possible live free and
If I stand for nothing else, let me stand - Henry David Thoreau, Walden (1854)
and be remembered as a voice that spoke
to freedom, freedom for the individual to Chapter 8 from the book The Thoreau
self-determine, and to find within himself Whisperer by Cathryn McIntyre
his truest nature. That is what most Copyright 2018 - All Right Reserved -
inspires and inspired me. Not to be copied or reproduced without
written consent.
Society has no right to tell a man how to
live, to hinder his personal freedom in Cathryn McIntyre
any way, so if a man chooses a particular Cathryn McIntyre is an
path because of events of his life that have independent author and
formed him in a certain way, then so be it researcher who has studied the
his choice and his destiny. Let him have literary history of Concord,
the freedom not to conform, but to find Massachusetts for over 25 years,
both in university setting and
instead another way to live, and let him independently. She is a psychic and clairvoyant,
live without judgment. There should be an astrologer, a UFO experiencer, a ghost
no judgment upon a man who chooses to investigator and an avid genealogist with
live life outside society’s frame. ancestral ties to the Mayflower and to writers:
Margaret Fuller and Henry David Thoreau.