Page 11 - January 2024
P. 11
and yet steadily toward an experience of Everything in the psyche is at first
our own wholeness. externalized in the mirrors of the “other”
which often we can usually only see
After 25+ years of observation of my in retrospect. When we are caught up
own experiences and those who have in the particulars and day-in and day-
come to speak with me is that there is a out interactions, it is hard to assimilate
synchronicity occurring all the time when what is happening psychically and
we felt intense love. These experiences unconsciously between two people.
are not always completely pleasant as we Later, and time is of essence through
are also encountering shadow contents careful reflection we will see a pattern.
through each other. Situations will repeat in a spiral moving
us closer and closer to consciousness if
The Astrological transits (which is where we are willing to see through ourselves.
the planets are at any given time and
relative to our birth chart) and Alchemical Jung called this evolutionary spiral,
processes which parallel these transits, circumambulation and astrologically it is
will be making exact aspects to our the wheel of life as the planets are moving
natal charts in those time periods. There around the Sun and making aspects in our
is cosmic timing of our self-knowledge birth chart that symbolize our growth.
which is built into our souls blue print. It
comes about in the outer world through a “He [the Alchemist] experienced his
“fascination” upon another human being projection as a property of matter; but
who becomes extraordinary in our eyes. what he was in reality experiencing
was his own unconscious. In this way
“…the hidden state is one of latency and he recapitulated the whole history of
potentiality. The darkness and depths of man’s knowledge of nature. As we all
the sea symbolize the unconscious state know, science began with the stars,
of an invisible content that is projected. and mankind discovered in them
Inasmuch as such a content belongs to the the dominants of the unconscious,
total personality and is only apparently the “gods,” as well as the curious
severed from its context by projection, there psychological qualities of the zodiac:
is always an attraction between conscious a complete projected theory of human
mind and projected content. Generally it character. Astrology is a primordial
takes the form of a fascination.” experience similar to alchemy.”
— Carl Jung, Psychology & Alchemy, — Carl Jung, Psychology & Alchemy, par
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