Page 6 - January 2024
P. 6

they behave, and all of their properties,              on the rods and cones of your eyes and
        give us information about them and                     processed by your brain. So, it’s the

        the physical forces behind them. Every                 information inherent in those particles
        aspect of a particle can be expressed as               that makes the experience of seeing

        information, and put into binary code.                 stars detectable to you. The reality is
        And so subatomic particles may be the                  that you’re seeing those stars as they
        bits that the universe is processing, as a             were hundreds of thousands of years

        giant supercomputer.”                                  ago because that’s how long it takes
                                                               for their light energy to reach Earth.

        The eminent physicist, John Wheeler,                   Herein lies a hint that the transmission
        elaborated on the way the whole thing                  of information-encoded light may be the
        works. Wheeler claimed that the                        very basis of space and time.

        universe operated in three parts: He said:
        “Everything is Particles,” “Everything is              Perception of any physical object

        Fields,” and “Everything is information”               operates the same as seeing stars. It is
        in that order and he was quite correct.                the photons of light energy emitted
        Quantum physics recognizes that                        from various objects in a particular

        particles of matter come from the                      informational array that allows us to
        quantum energy field or the quantum                    perceive them as objects. Without light

        wave. Wheeler is saying that in turn,                  energy, no physical reality could exist.
        the quantum field itself is composed of
        information and, therefore, information                So, here is a key question. The

        is fundamental to reality in-forming                   conveyance of information implies
        space, time, and matter. Wheeler used                  transmission and reception, but who

        the term, “ It from bit.” This means                   is transmitting and who is receiving?
        that each sub-atomic particle is a bit of              The receiving part is easy. We are the
        information forming the appearance of                  receivers, but hold on, we may also be

        the creation and physical reality similar              transmitters too. Read on.
        to the way binary computer bits create

        appearances on your screen.                            Physics and Metaphysics
                                                               The problem with science is that it limits
        Energy and Consciousness                               itself to what is observable and testable.

        Now think on a simple fact. When you                   This is all well and good for everyday

        gaze upon a nighttime sky, you see                     applied applications. However, when
        millions of stars. What you are seeing are  exploring the outer edges of mysteries
        photons (sub-atomic particles) of light                like the origins of life, the universe,

        radiating from those stars registering                 space, time, matter, and consciousness,

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