Page 34 - June 2021
P. 34
Global Predictions........
The important challenging possibilities between USA and Russia and
for June include: magnificent advances in science and
May 2 - July 3: An outbreak of violence technology through innovations,
and terrorist activities in Middle-East, inventions, and discoveries.
a strong possibility of natural as well June 30 - July 2: A strong possibility of
as man-made calamities, and to some a short term but very intensive friction
extent, war-like climate in some part of between India and Pakistan. Terrorism
the world. Tension between Israelis and and violence, especially in Middle
Palestinians will remain unabated. Some East will be on rise. An outbreak of
of the east-European countries, Russia, an undesirable happening and strong
and China may experience political as occurrences of both natural and man-
well as social turmoil. made calamities are real possibilities
June 2-25: A strong and possibly The important auspicious possibilities for
unprecedented friction between the June include:
USA and Russia, and also between the June 8-17: An extraordinary time for
USA and China. In addition a social technological discoveries and inventions
or political turmoil in Russia and with new breakthroughs. For the United
China is likely. States, in general, this period is going to
June 4-6: A likelihood of sudden be a successful one.
outbreak of an undesirable happening in June 15-21: A very stable and positive
the Middle-East area and possibility of period for the USA and her relationship
both natural and man-made calamities. with the international countries.
June 4-20: A rise in covert activities and June 20 - July 11: A good period for
natural as well as man-made calamities. economy. This period is also good
Places like Russia and China are likely to for progress in technical fields (new
experience political and social turmoil. innovations and discoveries) and
Non-democratic countries are likely to religious reconciliation.
see shift of power from one faction (or The countries that are more likely to be
dictator) to another. Religious activities affected during this month are: Russia,
around the world will likely to appear China, United States, India, Pakistan,
more secretive than open. Europe and Middle-East (Iraq, Iran,
June 8-23: A sudden change (either Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and
positive or negative) in relationship Palestine-Israel regions).