Page 35 - June 2021
P. 35

Planetary Energies for Individuals

        Uranus-Saturn Square (June 2-25)                       them through the current Gochar

        Saturn-Uranus square is unfavorable                    (transit) chart need to be on guard.
        for you if you have such a square or                   Stay very low key, not make any new
        opposition in your birth chart. In                     commitment, and avoid taking any

        addition, if the planet Uranus or Saturn  sort of risk. Also, experiences like a
        is affecting your life via your Gochar                 sudden incident of fire, or an accident

        (transit) chart, then you might want to  involving explosive material are likely.
        consider taking extra precautions in
        the areas which are affected by these                  Mars-Saturn Opposition (June 30 -

        planets as shown in your natal chart.                  July 2)
        You should avoid taking any kind of                    Mars-Saturn opposition, for no apparent

        risk at any cost during this period.                   reason, changes a perfectly normal and
        Such square or opposition can make                     healthy situation in to the one with a
        things so miserable and difficult for                  severe tension and friction. If you have

        you that most likely you are not going                 such opposition in your birth chart,
        to forget them in your entire life.                    and if you have any one of these planets

        Staying low key is certainly the way                   influencing you through the current
        to go.  Avoid any new ventures and                     Gochar (transit) chart, then you certainly
        postpone the matters that you want to                  need to be on guard. Simply lay back and

        begin till this period is passed.                      do nothing.  If you must involve in an
                                                               unwanted situation, be extra careful and

        Mars-Pluto Opposition (June 4-6)                       try to minimize the damage. Experiences
        These few days of short period is                      like fire burns, rape, accidents, loss of
        likely to be very frustrating for those                precious things, and monetary disasters

        who have Mars-Pluto opposition,                        are real possibilities.
        conjunction or square in their natal

        charts. Typically this opposition is very              Jagdish Maheshri
        unfavorable. Unexpected problems are                   Professional Vedic Astrologer
        likely to occur with astonishing speed                 For more information about services and

        and without any notice.  For those who                 classes, please visit
        have such opposition or conjunction          

        in their birth charts, and if they have
        any one of these planets influencing
                                                                   Schedule a personal consultation

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