Page 4 - October 2023
P. 4
The Journey of Archetypes
Part VII
The Imago Dei
Welcome back to our journey through To begin this exploration, think back to
our core archetypes. During our first when you were a child. What was your
few months together, we explored the first introduction to God? Were you a
nature of the four survival archetypes. divine child who already felt a connection
These are the child, victim, saboteur, to Source? Or did you find yourself in a
and prostitute. These represent the four church or temple being taught that God is
legs of survival. Anytime we are under a father figure that lives in the sky?
stress or feel unsafe, we shift into these
archetypes. They allow us to survive, but We then want to begin to explore how
not necessarily thrive. our relationship with God has evolved
over the course of our journey. Has it
Last month, we took a dive into the stayed the same? Do we find ourselves
mother and father archetypes. These in the same orthodox religious ideas that
represent our relationship with our were introduced to us as children? Or
inner masculine and feminine. All has it evolved over time through our own
inherited patterns from our mother and journey of introspection, contemplation,
father lineage show up through these and exploration?
archetypes. They also relate to how
we parent ourselves, how we receive When you begin to explore the roots
ourselves, and how we anticipate being or origins of this archetype, you can
received by the world. begin to see how it relates to all other
archetypes. The imago dei archetype
This month, we are going to dive informs when we move into the child or
into The Imago Dei. The imago dei victim. Our image of God informs when
represents “your image of God.” This we sabotage or prostitute ourselves. In
image significantly influences all other addition, many of the qualities of the
archetypes, serving as the original mother and father archetype often get
pattern informing all others. projected onto our image of God.
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