Page 6 - October 2023
P. 6

wants, needs, or desires, we set the stage             yes to everything, we might perceive
        for sabotaging behavior.                               unconditional love as never saying no!  If

                                                               our parents only recognized us for our
        The prostitute archetype represents our                achievements, we may turn spirituality

        relationship with self-compromise and                  into a competition.
        negotiation.  The prostitute is always
        looking for a guaranteed outcome.  This                There are infinite ways in which the

        could be a guaranteed paycheck, loyalty,               imago dei informs all other archetypes
        or security.  How much of our prayer life              and how all other archetypes inform

        is an act of spiritual negotiation?  How               the imago dei.  It is a two-way highway.
        many times have we found ourselves                     Therefore, it is essential to begin to
        saying to God, “Please I want this                     deeply explore what our relationship

        (outcome). I promise if you give me this               with God truly looks like.  This journey
        I won’t do (fill in the blank) anymore.”               of exploration must be an inward

                                                               one.  We can easily get caught in the
        The prostitute most often shows up in                  consumption of other people’s ideas,
        our prayer life.  When our prayer is                   beliefs, and teachings, but if we have no

        an act of negotiation, we are moving                   connection to our own inner truth, we
        into survival archetypes.  In addition,                do not yet have a true inner compass or

        receiving messages from Spirit through                 reference point.
        our intuition often requires us to
        surrender personal preference.  Quite

        often, the message from Spirit goes                    Practices such as meditation, tai chi,
        against our ego’s preferences.  It is very             qi gong, breathwork, or even the

        common for the prostitute or saboteur                  use of sacred plant medicines can
        to run interference on Spirit’s guidance               be supportive in this regard.  These
        because it usually goes against their                  practices take you inward and allow

        agenda of safety and security.                         you to access your center point or zero
                                                               point.  From this zero-point, one can

        When it comes to the mother and                        then access truth.  Remember, truth is
        father archetypes, we often take our                   always true so anytime there is debate
        parental qualities and project them onto               or argument about what God is, what

        God.  If our father was judgmental,                    God wants, or what God desires, you
        we might perceive a judgmental God.                    are probably not in the presence of

        If we had a loving mother who said                     truth.

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