Page 10 - June 2022
P. 10

enjoy socializing and bantering with                   Intolerant and a proselytizer. They think
        others. Being in their company is always  everyone should behave in the world

        interesting and fun. They can have a lot               according to their truth. At times they
        going on at once so pinning them down,  may seem dogmatic and rigid in their

        getting them to make commitments to                    views because they are focused on what
        anything or anyone is challenging. This                they believe in. You will see that they are
        gives them a superficial, fickle, butterfly-           sometimes overbearing, tactless and rude

        like reputation.                                       because their honesty springs from an
                                                               archetypal predisposition that has been

        This is one of the Puer Aeternus                       theirs since birth. You also might see that
        archetypes (the Peter Pan) meaning                     they overdo, overspend, are impractical
        the eternal child who finds it difficult               and extravagant. Having an intuitive

        to grow up because that requires                       perspective, they can overpromise and
        staying in one place for too long. This                overestimate what is possible gravitating

        contributes to the duplicity inherent                  towards future possibilities. They too have
        in both their psychology and their                     an inherently Puer consciousness and can
        somewhat impersonal morality.                          be inconsistent and unreliable needing to

        Rationalization experts, they are very                 keep their freedom and options open.
        capable of deceiving others if they feel

        backed into a corner. The twins thrive                        Psychic projection is one of the
        when there is variety, the novel, more                     commonest facts of psychology. It is
        stimulating conversations, even enjoying                 the same as that participation mystique

        a good debate as they have an insatiable               which Lévy-Bruhl remarked as a peculiar
        curiosity that doesn’t quit.                              trait of primitive man. We merely give

                                                                 it another name, and as a rule deny that
        So, what can be in the unconscious?                        we are guilty of it. Everything that is
        Sagittarius is the opposite sign. Ruled by                unconscious in ourselves we discover

        the planet Jupiter, this sign is                            in our neighbor, and we treat him
        philosophical, not factual, perpetually                  accordingly. We no longer subject him

        seeking the meaning of life. They too are               to the test of drinking poison; we do not
        also well educated and can come                          burn him or put the screws on him; But
        off as a know-it-all with an exaggerated               we injure him by means of moral verdicts

        opinion about everything. Adventurous                   pronounced with the deepest conviction.
        and goal-oriented, they are on a spiritual                What we combat in him is usually our

        quest for the truth with a capital “T” and                             own inferior side.
        can become moralistic judgmental,                                       —Carl G. Jung
                                                                 Modern Man in Search of a Soul, Pg 142

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