Page 12 - June 2022
P. 12
What is Pranic Healing?
For many of us, summer is associated to maintain our bodies and minds at a
with spending more time outside, peak level.
going to the beach, or dabbling in the
garden. In “What is Pranic Healing?” Prana is the energy which
a CranioSacral therapist and a Pranic sustains all living things.
healer Allison Kennelly discusses the
benefits if this healing modality and How do we naturally absorb prana? We
also emphasizes the importance of innately take in three types of prana from
being outdoors. the world around us:
1. Air prana (energy from the air)
Pranic Healing is a healing practice 2. Solar prana (energy from the sun)
that supports the removal of old energy 3. Ground prana (energy from the earth)
and replacement of it with fresh energy.
This focus on life energy, or prana, The amount of energy we are able to
separates this modality from other forms exchange is going to be influenced by
of treatment. One of the underlying the quality and amount of natural prana
beliefs of Pranic Healing is that changes options that we have access to. If you live
to the Energetic Body facilitate mental, in a location where the air has significant
emotional, and physical changes as well. pollution, this is going to impact the
Keeping the energy of our being in a amount and quality of the air prana you
healthy state means that we have the fuel are able to intake. If you do not spend time