Page 24 - June 2022
P. 24
Using Ayurveda to Make a
Healthy Switch to Vegetarianism
Are you considering switching from Types of vegetarians and what they eat
being an omnivore or meat-eater to Type of Animal foods Animal foods
becoming a vegetarian (see Table 1 vegetarian excluded included
for different types)? If so, you would
be joining thousands of people across Lacto-ovo Meat, fish/ Dairy, eggs
seafood, poultry
the globe seeking a healthier lifestyle. Lacto vegetarian Meat, fish/ Dairy
Research tells us that people who follow seafood, poultry,
a plant-based diet, which consists of eggs
vegetables, fruits, whole cereals, legumes, Ovo vegetarian Meat, fish/ Eggs
nuts and seeds, lead healthier lives with seafood, poultry,
less incidence of obesity, heart disease, dairy
and high blood sugar levels compared to Pesco/pesca Meat, poultry Fish/seafood,
eggs, dairy
Pollo vegetarian Meat, fish/ Poultry, eggs,
seafood dairy
Diseases like COVID-19, SARS, bird Semi vegetarian Meat, fish/ Eggs, dairy; on
and swine flu originated in places where (flexitarian) seafood and occaision meat,
animals were kept under intense ‘factory poultry most of fish/seafood,
the time
farm’ conditions and given antibiotics to Vegan All animal None
curb the spread of infection before being products
brought to slaughter. So, it’s no wonder Fruitarian Meat, fish/ None, typically
24 seafood, poultry, unprocessed and
eggs, dairy uncooked foods only