Page 10 - September2023
P. 10

Bioelectrical and Spiritual Natures:

                                            Earth and Us

        At the heart of our planet lies a
        dynamic and powerful force: the Earth’s
        geomagnetic field. This field, often

        visualized as invisible lines looping
        between the North and South poles, is

        primarily generated by the movement
        of molten iron within the Earth’s outer                                      The Schumann Resonance
        core. As this liquid iron moves and                                          is named after the German

        churns, it produces electrical currents,                                     physicist Winfried Otto
                                                                                     Schumann, who first predicted
        which in turn generate the magnetic field                                    these atmospheric resonances

        enveloping our planet.                                                       mathematically in 1952.

                                                                                     Dr. Schumann was working on
        One of the fascinating discoveries                                           research related to the Earth’s

        which allowed to register the Earth’s                                        ionosphere and its properties.
        bioelectrical field is the Schumann                                          During his studies, he identified
                                                                                     that the space between
        Resonance. It shows a set of spectrum                                        the Earth’s surface and the
        peaks in the extremely low frequency                                         ionosphere acted as a resonant
        portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic                                       cavity, which could support
                                                                                     electromagnetic waves in
        field. Often referred to as the “heartbeat”                                  specific frequency ranges. These
        of the Earth, the Schumann Resonance                                         waves, or resonances, were

        is generated by electrical discharges                                        later observed and measured,
                                                                                     confirming Schumann’s
        (like lightning) within the cavity                                           predictions.
        formed by the Earth’s surface and

        the ionosphere. It’s amazing that this                                       Over time, as these resonances
                                                                                     were studied and understood
        resonance has frequencies that align                                         more deeply, they came to be

        closely with human brainwaves which                                          collectively referred to as the
        show its potential influence on human                                        “Schumann Resonances” in
                                                                                     honor of the physicist who first
        consciousness and well-being.                                                identified their possibility.

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