Page 6 - September2023
P. 6

Our masculine essence is represented
        by Yang energy. Yang is our inner fire,

        in contrast to Yin’s water. Yang propels
        us to produce, perform, and achieve.

        Balancing these energies is crucial for
        our well-being. Excessive fire leads to
        burnout, while an abundance of water

        causes stagnation.

        Reflect on how your father related to
        you. Was he an excellent provider but

        lacked emotional connection? This may
        result in you showing the world your

        accomplishments and achievements, yet
        shelving the emotions that your father
        was unable to receive.  A significant

        part of the healing journey involves
        “rewriting” the belief that the world’s

        reception of us is solely based on our
        father’s acceptance.

        To explore the Father archetype,
        ponder these questions:

        - What positive qualities did my father
        - What were his challenging traits?

        - How did I feel received by him?
        - How do I perceive the world’s reception

        of me?
        - What was missing in our relationship?
        - How can I provide that for myself now?

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