Page 4 - September2023
P. 4

The Journey of Archetypes

                                                                                  Part VI

        The Mother and Father


        Welcome back to our archetypal                         and in others. Was mom loving and
        journey! Over the past few months,                     compassionate?  Was she smothering
        we’ve delved into the nature of our core  and suffocating?  Or was she distant and

        survival archetypes. In this edition,                  cold?  Our experiences with her lay the
        we’ll explore other pivotal archetypes                 groundwork for this polarity.

        that significantly shape our psyche: the
        Mother and Father archetypes.                          In the Tai Chi symbol, femininity is
                                                               represented by Yin. Yin is associated with

        The Mother Archetype                                   our restorative and regenerative abilities.

        The Mother archetype symbolizes our                    It amplifies energy, drawing it inwards
                                                               to create abundance. Aligned with the
        relationship with feminine energy. This                water element, Yin has a cooling nature.
        encompasses both our inner femininity                  Someone feeling drained or burned out

        and the feminine energy of others.                     exhibits a Yin deficiency and is being
        Feminine energy is characterized by                    guided towards a deeper connection with
        receptivity, intuition, and empathy. It’s              their feminine side.

        the realm where we deeply feel, subtly
        intuit, and embrace vulnerability. This                Our bond with our mother also

        energy is intrinsically linked to our                  influences how we nurture ourselves.
        capacity to receive, and it all starts with            The way she embraced us reflects how
        our relationship with our mother.
                                                               we accept parts of our own being. If she

                                                               was overprotective, we might suppress
        Our mother is our first encounter                      certain facets of ourselves. If she was

        with the feminine polarity. The way                    neglectful, we might disregard those
        we perceive her sets the tone for how                  same facets. The external archetypal
        we relate to the feminine within us
                                                               mother mirrors the internal one.

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