Page 16 - September2023
P. 16
Astrological Insights for September 2023
Overview Regarding the slower-moving planets,
most of them, including Pluto, Neptune,
September 2023 appears to be a month of Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter (which turns
recovery, especially in personal matters. retrograde on September 5th), are in
This is due to the personal planets, retrograde. This results in a period of
Venus and Mercury, both starting the introspection, change, and some upheaval
month in retrograde but shifting to in various aspects of our collective life,
direct later on—Venus on the 4th and encompassing world affairs, politics,
Mercury on the 16th. Many will feel this media, religions, and communication.
change in energy. However, patience is
the key - this recovery will be gradual. Uranus began its retrograde in sidereal
Mercury doesn’t return to its average Aries on August 29. This transit, lasting
speed until September 22, and Venus not until January 27, 2024, is significant for
until October 20. Those influenced by financial markets, which are expected
Mercury’s energy in their transit charts to show notable volatility. Additionally,
can expect a return to normalcy by the places like the United Kingdom and
autumn equinox. But those affected by California are likely to be in the headlines.
Venus might have to wait until October
20. This suggests that figures in the Read the whole article here.
entertainment industry, such as actors,
screenwriters, directors, and producers, Jagdish Maheshri
might see their strike extended through Professional Vedic Astrologer
October 20. For more information about
services and classes, please visit
Schedule a personal consultation